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Corp. Finance
Finweb - additional resources for Master of Finance

Profile of Private Equity firm

City of London Handbook

Differences between Mergers and Acquisitions - Accountancy Journal, Nov. 2002

The key objectives of the class on Corporate Finance is to introduce you to the nature of work in investment banking, the tools that are used in corporate finance and the language related to Management Buyouts, Leveraged Buyouts, Buy ins, Mergers, Aquistions, etc. Welcome to a whole new world.
Metroveseca makes takeover offer for Gecina, a French real estate company.


Philip Morris makes offer for 40% of Indonesian cigarette company:

What is the logic behind this deal?

Who are the main competitors for Philip Morris internationally?

NATIONS - explore this link for statistics on smokers in developing world. What other countries would be attractive targets for international tobacco companies?

Visit the Web sites of some of the leading Investment Bankers:

A day in the life...at Goldman Sachs

Corporate finance news
Headlines provided by Moreover

IPO home - Keeping track of the latest IPOs on the US market
Recent Floats - Australian Stock Market
3i - Portfolio of Venture Capital Investments

EVCA promotes private equity to investors, entreprenuers, policy makers and industry, provides information, trains practicioners, etc.